emily explains.
the gut microbiome.
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What exactly is your microbiome and why is it important?
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How do I know if my gut is unhealthy?
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How can I maintain a healthy gut?
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What exactly is your microbiome and why is it important?
What exactly is your microbiome? It's a complex community of over 38 trillion microorganisms living in and on your body. Interestingly, there are more microbes than there are human cells in your body. So it is important that we look at our microbiome, as it affects everything from digestion to the immune system, hormones, skin health, and mental well-being. Each of these connections is vital. For instance, the gut-brain axis can influence mood and cognitive function, while gut microbes can impact skin health, digestion efficiency, immunity, and hormonal balance.
How do I know if my gut is unhealthy?
Symptoms can vary, but pay attention to your digestive health, stool changes, frequent illnesses, or even unexplained mood or skin health changes.
How can I maintain a healthy gut?
It starts with understanding and nourishing our microbiome. This includes a diverse diet full of colour and variety, making lifestyle choices, and the right supportive supplements.
nutritional & diet.
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I have heard “prebiotic” and “probiotic” foods are good for my gut. Is this true and what does this mean?
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What is a postbiotic?
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Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?
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When is it appropriate to take a supplement for gut health?
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What makes a good gut health supplement?
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It’s important to look for a mix of:

  • Potency - look for the colony-forming unit (CFU) count. This measures the number of bacteria in each dose that are viable (alive) and active (able to multiply). The higher the count, the more bacteria you will consume.
  • Diversity - the type of bacteria it contains are also important. Generally looking for the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus or Saccharomyces boulardii, some of the most researched strains, is worthwhile.
  • Delivery method - when consuming bacteria, they will need to survive the harsh conditions of your stomach, such as intense pH level changes. Many supplements boast high CFU counts but the bacteria struggle to survive from manufacture to shelf and, more importantly, through your digestive system to your gut. Look out for the % of bacteria promised to make it to the gut alive.
  • Convenience - these products can only benefit you if you remember to take them. Therefore, choosing a product that is easy to consume and that you enjoy taking is also important.
I have heard “prebiotic” and “probiotic” foods are good for my gut. Is this true and what does this mean?
Any food that feeds our gut microbes we call a prebiotic. Our microbiome is uniquely positioned to metabolise a wide range of fibres, most of which we can't even break down, making fibre one of the primary prebiotics that feeds and encourages a diverse microbiome. High-fiber foods include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. These foods help our beneficial gut bacteria to thrive and maintain a healthy balance.Apart from fibre-rich foods, polyphenols also act as prebiotics. Polyphenols are compounds found in a wide range of foods, especially in colourful fruits and vegetables like berries, nuts, and seeds, as well as in green tea and even dark chocolate.Probiotic foods, on the other hand, contain live beneficial bacteria. Think of yoghurt, kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut. They add to the diversity of microbes in our gut.
What is a postbiotic?
When probiotics and prebiotics meet, they produce an array of compounds called postbiotics, like short-chain fatty acids. These beneficial compounds our gut bacteria produce when they digest prebiotic fibre play a crucial role in gut health and overall wellness. You can think of postbiotics as the health-enhancing gifts your gut bacteria give you in return for feeding them prebiotics. They help maintain the integrity of the gut lining, support the immune system, and even communicate with your brain, impacting your mood and cognitive functions.
Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?
I often hear, 'Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?' Ideally, yes. A diverse, balanced diet rich in prebiotics, probiotics, and fibre is crucial. However, modern diets and lifestyles can sometimes make this challenging. This is where the right supplements can play a supportive role. They can fill the gaps in our diet, ensuring our microbiome gets what it needs to thrive.
When is it appropriate to take a supplement for gut health?
While a balanced diet is critical to good health, there are times when supplements can play a vital role in maintaining gut health. Let's explore why? It's important to understand how sensitive our gut microbiome is to various lifestyle factors. Our daily choices – what we eat, our stress levels, sleep patterns, and even our physical activity – can significantly impact the balance of our gut. Supplements can fill nutritional gaps, especially in today's fast-paced world, where eating a perfect diet is only sometimes feasible. They can support our digestive health and ensure we have everything to function optimally.
the synbiotic duo cap.
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What exactly is Epetōme’s synbiotic duo cap?
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What is unique about this capsule?
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What can I expect from taking the synbiotic duo cap?
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Is the synbiotic duo cap a probiotic?
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The capsule contains live bacteria, therefore it can be considered a probiotic. It also contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which can be considered prebiotics. However, we refrain from using such terms as UK Law prevents this, seeing our products as food supplements to which no health claims can be associated.

What are the active ingredients in the synbiotic duo cap?
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Our capsule combines live bacteria with other vitamins and minerals for added digestive value. See the full nutritional information table for more information:

What are the active ingredients in the synbiotic duo cap?
Is there consumer testing/research which has been completed on these supplements and if so, what are the results?
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The duo cap technology has been tested using SHIME®, or Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem, a sophisticated in vitro technology that simulates the human gastrointestinal tract. There are also hundreds of independent studies on the ingredients within our product. Head to our Lab and Research Library pages to learn more about the testing and studies behind our products.

What is SHIME testing and why is it important?
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SHIME® testing, or Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem, is a sophisticated in vitro technology that simulates the human gastrointestinal tract to study the impact of substances like our synbiotic duo cap. on the microbiome. 

For Epetōme, utilising SHIME® testing to validate the efficacy of the duo capunderscores a commitment to scientific excellence and consumer benefit. SHIME® testing demonstrates the survivability and targeted delivery of our capsule through the harsh conditions of the stomach to reach the intestines, where these components can add to the diversity and complement the gut microbiome.

Why choose Epetōme compared to other gut supplements on the market?
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1) Potency:

We have sourced our ingredients from the best manufacturers in the industry, ensuring a potent dosage of 50 billion live bacteria (one of the highest colony-forming units, or CFU counts on the market). There are also 11 unique strains of bacteria (making the synbiotic duo cap one of the most diverse bacterial supplements), each selected by a qualified nutritionist for the scientific and mechanistic research behind them.

2) Our technology:

Many supplements boast high CFU counts but struggle to survive from manufacture to shelf and, more importantly, through your digestive system to your gut. That's where our synbiotic duo cap. makes a difference. The duo cap technology ensures that the beneficial bacteria are alive during manufacture and remain viable up to the expiration date. This is vital for ensuring all 50 billion bacterial strains reach your gut alive.  Our capsule is engineered to protect these delicate bacteria from stomach acid, providing targeted delivery to the gut.

3) Convenience:

And finally, we have understood that convenience is crucial. No gimmicks, no refrigeration needed, no blending. Just one capsule, once a day, every day. Making it easy to embed Epetōme into your morning routine.

What exactly is Epetōme’s synbiotic duo cap?
Our Synbiotic Duo Cap is a blend of science and nature, meticulously formulated for optimal gut health. Let's explore its unique bacterial composition. Among the 11 strains, we're proud to include Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, the world's most researched strain of acidophilus, especially trialled for IBS-related pain & bloating. There are over 45 clinical trials on this strain. Each strain in our formulation is chosen for its unique properties, as suggested in the latest scientific research. Our capsule boasts 50 billion colony-forming units, ensuring a potent dose of these beneficial bacteria. Once released, the FOS in the liquid part of the capsule acts as food for the live bacteria and supports our natural microbiome, promoting a synergistic effect for gut health. We've also included Vitamin D, Biotin, and Zinc. Vitamin D is crucial for gut barrier integrity, Biotin supports mucosal health, and Zinc plays a vital role in immune function. D-Biotin, commonly known as Biotin, is vital for maintaining mucosal health, which is an integral part of a healthy gut. Maintaining mucosal integrity helps support the gut's natural barrier and its functions. Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system. A well-functioning immune system is crucial for gut health, as much of our immune system is in the gut. We also include Vitamin D3 from a plant source. Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the maintenance of normal muscle function. It plays a role in cell division, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the gut lining. These ingredients – D-biotin, Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, and plant-sourced Vitamin D3 – have been chosen not just for their individual benefits but for how they synergistically support overall gut health. This is the essence of our Synbiotic Duo Cap, aligning with our commitment to provide scientifically validated and effective nutrition solutions.
What is unique about this capsule?
The Duo Cap consists of an outer shell and an inner core. This unique structure is designed with precision in mind, to ensure optimised delivery within the gastrointestinal tract. First, the outer shell breaks down in the stomach, releasing Fructooligosaccharides, or FOS, a type of fibre that acts as fuel for the live cultures within the capsule. The inner core houses 50 billion live bacteria. Our technology ensures these beneficial bacteria are protected until they reach the gut, where they can be most effective. This targeted delivery is a cornerstone of our approach. The Duo Cap is 30 times more effective than standard capsules in ensuring the friendly bacteria reach the gut alive. This effectiveness is proven using SHIME testing.
What can I expect from taking the synbiotic duo cap?
Our carefully designed supplements can lead to various changes in your digestive system over time. We only use high-quality live cultures backed by credible science in state-of-the-art encapsulation to bring you a product you can trust. In the first few days, your body starts getting acquainted with these new guests. It's a time of gentle adjustment. I encourage you to allow your body to get used to the shift. Over the first month, you might notice changes in your digestive routine. It's your body naturally responding to your diet. By 3 months in, your body will adapt and find tempo and balance. Epetome is best taken on an ongoing basis as part of a daily health regime, making sustainable gut health habits an effortless part of your daily routine. Remember, your journey is as unique as you are. It's about consistently nourishing the friendly bacteria in our guts regularly.

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