frequently asked questions.
the gut microbiome.
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What exactly is your microbiome and why is it important?
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How do I know if my gut is unhealthy?
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How can I maintain a healthy gut?
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What exactly is your microbiome and why is it important?
What exactly is your microbiome? It's a complex community of over 38 trillion microorganisms living in and on your body. Interestingly, there are more microbes than there are human cells in your body. So it is important that we look at our microbiome, as it affects everything from digestion to the immune system, hormones, skin health, and mental well-being. Each of these connections is vital. For instance, the gut-brain axis can influence mood and cognitive function, while gut microbes can impact skin health, digestion efficiency, immunity, and hormonal balance.
How do I know if my gut is unhealthy?
Symptoms can vary, but pay attention to your digestive health, stool changes, frequent illnesses, or even unexplained mood or skin health changes.
How can I maintain a healthy gut?
It starts with understanding and nourishing our microbiome. This includes a diverse diet full of colour and variety, making lifestyle choices, and the right supportive supplements.
nutritional & diet.
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I have heard “prebiotic” and “probiotic” foods are good for my gut. Is this true and what does this mean?
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What is a postbiotic?
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Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?
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When is it appropriate to take a supplement for gut health?
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What makes a good gut health supplement?
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It’s important to look for a mix of:

  • Potency - look for the colony-forming unit (CFU) count. This measures the number of bacteria in each dose that are viable (alive) and active (able to multiply). The higher the count, the more bacteria you will consume.
  • Diversity - the type of bacteria it contains are also important. Generally looking for the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus or Saccharomyces boulardii, some of the most researched strains, is worthwhile.
  • Delivery method - when consuming bacteria, they will need to survive the harsh conditions of your stomach, such as intense pH level changes. Many supplements boast high CFU counts but the bacteria struggle to survive from manufacture to shelf and, more importantly, through your digestive system to your gut. Look out for the % of bacteria promised to make it to the gut alive.
  • Convenience - these products can only benefit you if you remember to take them. Therefore, choosing a product that is easy to consume and that you enjoy taking is also important.
I have heard “prebiotic” and “probiotic” foods are good for my gut. Is this true and what does this mean?
Any food that feeds our gut microbes we call a prebiotic. Our microbiome is uniquely positioned to metabolise a wide range of fibres, most of which we can't even break down, making fibre one of the primary prebiotics that feeds and encourages a diverse microbiome. High-fiber foods include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. These foods help our beneficial gut bacteria to thrive and maintain a healthy balance.Apart from fibre-rich foods, polyphenols also act as prebiotics. Polyphenols are compounds found in a wide range of foods, especially in colourful fruits and vegetables like berries, nuts, and seeds, as well as in green tea and even dark chocolate.Probiotic foods, on the other hand, contain live beneficial bacteria. Think of yoghurt, kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut. They add to the diversity of microbes in our gut.
What is a postbiotic?
When probiotics and prebiotics meet, they produce an array of compounds called postbiotics, like short-chain fatty acids. These beneficial compounds our gut bacteria produce when they digest prebiotic fibre play a crucial role in gut health and overall wellness. You can think of postbiotics as the health-enhancing gifts your gut bacteria give you in return for feeding them prebiotics. They help maintain the integrity of the gut lining, support the immune system, and even communicate with your brain, impacting your mood and cognitive functions.
Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?
I often hear, 'Can we get everything we need from food to have a healthy microbiome?' Ideally, yes. A diverse, balanced diet rich in prebiotics, probiotics, and fibre is crucial. However, modern diets and lifestyles can sometimes make this challenging. This is where the right supplements can play a supportive role. They can fill the gaps in our diet, ensuring our microbiome gets what it needs to thrive.
When is it appropriate to take a supplement for gut health?
While a balanced diet is critical to good health, there are times when supplements can play a vital role in maintaining gut health. Let's explore why? It's important to understand how sensitive our gut microbiome is to various lifestyle factors. Our daily choices – what we eat, our stress levels, sleep patterns, and even our physical activity – can significantly impact the balance of our gut. Supplements can fill nutritional gaps, especially in today's fast-paced world, where eating a perfect diet is only sometimes feasible. They can support our digestive health and ensure we have everything to function optimally.
the synbiotic duo cap.
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What exactly is Epetōme’s synbiotic duo cap?
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What is unique about this capsule?
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What can I expect from taking the synbiotic duo cap?
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Is the synbiotic duo cap a probiotic?
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The capsule contains live bacteria, therefore it can be considered a probiotic. It also contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which can be considered prebiotics. However, we refrain from using such terms as UK Law prevents this, seeing our products as food supplements to which no health claims can be associated.

What is SHIME testing and why is it important?
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SHIME® testing, or Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem, is a sophisticated in vitro technology that simulates the human gastrointestinal tract to study the impact of substances like our synbiotic duo cap. on the microbiome. 

For Epetōme, utilising SHIME® testing to validate the efficacy of the duo capunderscores a commitment to scientific excellence and consumer benefit. SHIME® testing demonstrates the survivability and targeted delivery of our capsule through the harsh conditions of the stomach to reach the intestines, where these components can add to the diversity and complement the gut microbiome.

How long do I need to take the synbiotic duo cap for?
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We recommend taking one capsule a day for a minimum of 3 months. This is how long your microbiome needs to adjust to the new bacteria, as also recommended by the British Society of Gastroenterology to anyone trying a new bacterial product.

What are the active ingredients in the synbiotic duo cap?
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Our capsule combines live bacteria with other vitamins and minerals for added digestive value. See the full nutritional information table for more information:

What are the active ingredients in the synbiotic duo cap?
What are the full ingredients of the synbiotic duo cap?
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Ingredients: Glycerol, Capsule Shell (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Gellan Gum, Copper Complex of Chlorophyllins), Fructo- Oligosaccharides (FOS) Powder, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Bifidobacterium lactis BS01, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Cellulose, Lactobacillus plantarum LP-115, Bifidobacterium breve BR03, Bifidobacterium bifidum BB-06, Zinc Sulphate, Bifidobacterium lactis BL04, Bifidobacterium longum BL03, Lactobacillus plantarum LP01, Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA14, D-Biotin

If I struggle to swallow capsules how else would I be able to take this supplement? 
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The capsule has specific technology that protects the live bacteria as they make their way through your stomach and into your intestines. Therefore it has to be swallowed whole or we cannot guarantee you will experience its full benefit.

Although the Duocap isn't bigger than a typical paracetamol, if you struggle to swallow capsules there are plenty ways to make it easier.

  1. Put the capsule on your tongue and take a medium sip of water – do not swallow yet.
  2. Bend the head forward by tilting your chin slightly toward your chest.
  3. Swallow the capsule and the water with the head bent forward.
Is there consumer testing/research which has been completed on these supplements and if so, what are the results?
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The duo cap technology has been tested using SHIME®, or Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem, a sophisticated in vitro technology that simulates the human gastrointestinal tract. There are also hundreds of independent studies on the ingredients within our product. Head to our Lab and Research Library pages to learn more about the testing and studies behind our products.

Can I take other supplements alongside this for my gut or is Epetōme enough?
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The synbiotic duo cap. has been designed to provide one potent dosage of 50 billion live bacteria in one capsule, from 11 unique strains, alongside other vitamins and minerals that support overall gut health. Therefore as far as live bacteria supplements go, our synbiotic duo cap should be enough.

Are there any side effects from taking the synbiotic duo cap? 
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Our gut microbiome is as unique as our fingerprint, therefore your experience with our products will be unique to you. Whilst there should be no adverse effects, some people have reported experiencing an upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, or bloating. Those symptoms usually go away after your body gets used to the bacteria in the synbiotic duo cap (usually within 1-4 weeks). However, if the problem persists, please stop taking immediately and consult your GP.

Why choose Epetōme compared to other gut supplements on the market?
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1) Potency:

We have sourced our ingredients from the best manufacturers in the industry, ensuring a potent dosage of 50 billion live bacteria (one of the highest colony-forming units, or CFU counts on the market). There are also 11 unique strains of bacteria (making the synbiotic duo cap one of the most diverse bacterial supplements), each selected by a qualified nutritionist for the scientific and mechanistic research behind them.

2) Our technology:

Many supplements boast high CFU counts but struggle to survive from manufacture to shelf and, more importantly, through your digestive system to your gut. That's where our synbiotic duo cap. makes a difference. The duo cap technology ensures that the beneficial bacteria are alive during manufacture and remain viable up to the expiration date. This is vital for ensuring all 50 billion bacterial strains reach your gut alive.  Our capsule is engineered to protect these delicate bacteria from stomach acid, providing targeted delivery to the gut.

3) Convenience:

And finally, we have understood that convenience is crucial. No gimmicks, no refrigeration needed, no blending. Just one capsule, once a day, every day. Making it easy to embed Epetōme into your morning routine.

How should these capsules be stored?
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Store at an ambient temperature, away from direct sunlight. A kitchen cupboard or even your bedside cabinet is a great place to store them - enabling you to easily reach for them as soon as you wake up.

How many should I take per day?
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One capsule - just once a day, every day. Best taken on an empty stomach before breakfast.

I don’t eat breakfast / practice intermittent fasting. When should I take the duo cap?
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We recommend you take a capsule 20-30 minutes before food, ideally first thing in the morning. However, if you fast or don’t usually eat breakfast, we recommend taking them 20-30 minutes before your first meal of the day. The important thing is to take them at a consistent time, therefore choose a routine that works for you.

What happens if I take these after their BBE date? 
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We do not recommend taking them past this date as the viability of the ingredients can no longer be trusted and therefore we can no longer guarantee the 50 billion CFU count.

What happens if I forget to take them? 
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If you miss a dosage, do not take more than one capsule on following days. Just continue to take one a day, every day. Missing one here or there will not have a profound effect.

What happens if I stop taking them for an extended period of time? 
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Our gut microbiome is so unique to each one of us that a “one size fits all” response is impossible. We recommend you monitor how you feel and use that as a guide as to whether you no longer require them or wish to continue.

Other than my gut, will I find any other benefits to taking Epetōme?
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Epetōme is officially classed as a food supplement by UK law, and therefore we cannot legally claim specific health benefits ourselves. We encourage you to do your research.

Our Research Library contains a whole host of studies conducted on the ingredients within our capsule.

What exactly is Epetōme’s synbiotic duo cap?
Our Synbiotic Duo Cap is a blend of science and nature, meticulously formulated for optimal gut health. Let's explore its unique bacterial composition. Among the 11 strains, we're proud to include Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, the world's most researched strain of acidophilus, especially trialled for IBS-related pain & bloating. There are over 45 clinical trials on this strain. Each strain in our formulation is chosen for its unique properties, as suggested in the latest scientific research. Our capsule boasts 50 billion colony-forming units, ensuring a potent dose of these beneficial bacteria. Once released, the FOS in the liquid part of the capsule acts as food for the live bacteria and supports our natural microbiome, promoting a synergistic effect for gut health. We've also included Vitamin D, Biotin, and Zinc. Vitamin D is crucial for gut barrier integrity, Biotin supports mucosal health, and Zinc plays a vital role in immune function. D-Biotin, commonly known as Biotin, is vital for maintaining mucosal health, which is an integral part of a healthy gut. Maintaining mucosal integrity helps support the gut's natural barrier and its functions. Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system. A well-functioning immune system is crucial for gut health, as much of our immune system is in the gut. We also include Vitamin D3 from a plant source. Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the maintenance of normal muscle function. It plays a role in cell division, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the gut lining. These ingredients – D-biotin, Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, and plant-sourced Vitamin D3 – have been chosen not just for their individual benefits but for how they synergistically support overall gut health. This is the essence of our Synbiotic Duo Cap, aligning with our commitment to provide scientifically validated and effective nutrition solutions.
What is unique about this capsule?
The Duo Cap consists of an outer shell and an inner core. This unique structure is designed with precision in mind, to ensure optimised delivery within the gastrointestinal tract. First, the outer shell breaks down in the stomach, releasing Fructooligosaccharides, or FOS, a type of fibre that acts as fuel for the live cultures within the capsule. The inner core houses 50 billion live bacteria. Our technology ensures these beneficial bacteria are protected until they reach the gut, where they can be most effective. This targeted delivery is a cornerstone of our approach. The Duo Cap is 30 times more effective than standard capsules in ensuring the friendly bacteria reach the gut alive. This effectiveness is proven using SHIME testing.
What can I expect from taking the synbiotic duo cap?
Our carefully designed supplements can lead to various changes in your digestive system over time. We only use high-quality live cultures backed by credible science in state-of-the-art encapsulation to bring you a product you can trust. In the first few days, your body starts getting acquainted with these new guests. It's a time of gentle adjustment. I encourage you to allow your body to get used to the shift. Over the first month, you might notice changes in your digestive routine. It's your body naturally responding to your diet. By 3 months in, your body will adapt and find tempo and balance. Epetome is best taken on an ongoing basis as part of a daily health regime, making sustainable gut health habits an effortless part of your daily routine. Remember, your journey is as unique as you are. It's about consistently nourishing the friendly bacteria in our guts regularly.
product suitability.
Can I take these if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
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As with any dietary supplement or new health protocol contemplated during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we recommend speaking with your GP before you start consuming our synbiotic duo cap. However, probiotics, in general, do not appear to pose any safety concerns during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Are these suitable for vegans/vegetarians?
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Are your products GMO?
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The synbiotic duo cap is non-GMO.

Can I take this if I have any allergies or intolerances (e.g. gluten or dairy)?
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Yes, the synbiotic duo cap is allergen free.

Can this be taken by both men and women?
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Our products are designed to be suitable for all adults, no matter their gender.

What age is it suitable to consume from? 
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Epetōme’s synbiotic duo cap is strictly for adults, and therefore only for consumers 18 years or older.

Is Epetōme environmentally friendly?
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Where possible, we have ensured our packaging is widely recyclable:

  • Boxes - widely recyclable.
  • Jars - widely recyclable. However, please remove the foam filler in the top of the lid and desiccant pack and dispose separately.
  • Leaflet - widely recyclable.
How often will I get charged?
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Depending on the type of subscription you have signed up to this can vary. We offer a 3 month supply subscription and 6 month supply subscription, which you are charged for every 3 or 6 months from the date you originally signed up to the subscription.

What do I do if I have too many jars of synbiotic duo cap?
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If you have forgotten to take capsules daily and end up with too many, it is a good idea to delay your next order.

To do this, head to your online account or:

Email us at

Don’t forget that our product contains live bacteria, that over time will naturally deplete. Therefore, always check the bottom of the jar for the best before end (BBE) date.

How do I make changes to (or cancel) my subscription?
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You can amend, pause or cancel your subscription any time after your first subscription has arrived. You can do so by logging into your account, or contacting You MUST cancel your subscription before your next subscription has been shipped, otherwise we will not be able to process the cancellation of this.

Terms & Conditions of Subscriptions
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Epetōme's subscription model is based on an upfront commitment of either 3 or 6 months with auto-renewal thereafter. You will be charged the date your box is due, so if you sign up today, you will pay for one box now, then a second box in either 3 or 6 months time (depending on your subscription plan cadence). After your first subscription has been received, you can cancel at any time. If we do not receive payment (for example the card is declined or expired), then we will not ship your order. However, you will be notified via email of this 5 days in advance to prevent this from happening. 

You can amend, pause or cancel your subscription at any time. However, if your subscription has already been shipped then the usual Refund and Returns Policy applies, and we may not be able to process your cancellation if the box has already been shipped. You will be sent a notification 5 days prior to your next subscription being sent. This gives you the opportunity to make any necessary changes in advance, as on the day this is due, the team will not be able to make any changes to your subscription. We require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for cancellations. The support team hold no responsibility if your subscription has been sent to you due to you failing to contact us in the required time. Please refer to our Returns & Other Policies page for more information.

Depending on the subscription purchased, the cost will be taken either every 3 months or 6 months and you will receive your first subscription between 3-5 working days from placing the order.

Your next payment will be taken automatically either every 3 or 6 months thereafter depending on your plan cadence.

You can opt out of auto-renewal and cancel your next subscription at any point in your online account, or by contacting the team at

Where is my order?
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Please expect to receive tracking 48 hours after your order has been processed with us. If you are struggling to access the tracking link in the email, please head directly to the courier’s website and paste your tracking number into the website.

However, if you are still having difficulty with this please feel free to contact us on

My order has arrived and it is damaged, what do I do?
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You can contact or get in touch through any of our social channels to make us aware of this. Please include your order number and a picture of your damaged item and we will be happy to help you further with this. Without images of the damages, our team won't be able to assist you further. Also please do not dispose of the items before making our team aware of the damages caused.

My order has arrived and some of the products are missing, what do I do?
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You can contact or get in touch through any of our social channels to make us aware of this. Please include your order number and a picture of your damaged item and we will be happy to help you further with this.

I just placed an order but I need to cancel it, is it too late?
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Please contact or through any of our social channels as soon as you can, as this depends on whether your order information has already been passed over to our packing provider. Our team will try to action this for you but please note there is no guarantee.

Do you offer a money back guarantee policy?
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Yes, we offer a 90-day Money Back Guarantee. We have complete faith in the excellence of our products and are confident that you will be thoroughly satisfied with your products. However, we recognise that there may be instances where you do not achieve the desired results. That’s why we provide our exceptional 90-day money-back guarantee, provided you have followed our recommended 90-day product usage regimen. For more information on this policy, including terms, please visit our Returns & Other Policies page.

Can I order wholesale quantity directly from the website?
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As much as we love to hear that you want to stock up on your favourite products, we do not allow products to be ordered in bulk as these should only be purchased through our website for individual use.

shipping, delivery & returns.
How much does delivery cost?
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All UK orders over £40 qualify for free delivery. If your order is below £40, delivery within the UK is £4.99. All shipping costs are displayed at checkout before payment is made and shipping costs will vary based on volume ordered.

How long does it take for my order to reach me?
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All orders if placed a before 2pm UK time, we will aim to get this delivered the next working day however on occasion this could be the following day so please take this into consideration when placing your order.

Can I pay more for express delivery?
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No, unfortunately not, but this is something we are working on.

Do you ship to the EU/ Rest of the world or only the UK? 
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Yes, we have opened up our store to enable purchases from Ireland, Europe, USA and a whole host of countries across the world. There are varying shipping costs depending on which country you are purchasing from, so please check out our Shipping page for more information on shipping costs and times as well as information regarding additional custom charges depending on your region.

Do you accept returns? 
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Yes, we do, but please note that we do not provide return labels. Please include the invoice with a reason of return within the parcel. Once this has been received by our Returns team, they will get in contact with you.

Do  I need to pay to return an item?
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Yes, I'm afraid that we do not cover any return postage costs.

What is your returns policy? 
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Returns accepted up to 30 days from purchase, exceptions apply if you have contacted us regarding an issue. Please note that this depends on each individual case. If you wish to return a product back to us, please ensure all of the products you are returning have not been opened or damaged. Please include with your return, a note including your order number and your reason for return.

Refunds will be given once we have received your return. If you would like to receive this more quickly, then please take a photo of the postage receipt and send on to us to We can then see that this is on its way back to us and can process this back to you quicker.

Have you received my return?
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As soon as your return is received, you will receive an email from the Returns team, confirming the arrival of your parcel.  We will then be able to assist you further from here.

I have returned an item, when will I receive a refund?
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You will receive an email and a refund once our Return team have received your parcel. If you are looking to receive a refund a little quicker, please contact our support team with a picture of the postage receipt and the products being returned and they will be able to get this arranged more quickly for you.

can’t find the answer?

Our Customer Support Team is on hand to find it for you.