At Epetōme, we are dedicated to delivering the pinnacle of digestive health support through our innovative synbiotic duo cap. Our product is the result of rigorous scientific development and collaboration with leading scientists and manufacturers, led by the vision of nutritionist Emily English, ensuring the highest quality and efficacy in one daily dosage.
what you can expect:
50 billion colony-forming units (CFU); one of the highest counts on the market.
Designed with an inner core and outer shell to ensure the bacteria withstand the harsh conditions of your GI tract and reach the gut alive.
11 clinically trialled bacterial strains spanning 7 different species. Read more on our strain taxonomy below.
One capsule - just once a day, every day. No gimmicks, no refrigeration, no blending. Just take as you hydrate first thing in the morning.
Read on to learn more about the intricacies of the synbiotic duo cap.
Our synbiotic duo cap. is a blend of science and nature, meticulously formulated to harness 11 strains of purposefully chosen bacteria across 7 species.
Our strain taxonomy consists of strains with extensive mechanistic and clinical data generated at academic institutions and researchers around the world. Over 450 studies have been conducted on our strains over a 46 year period, exploring hypotheses across digestion, immunity, skin, cognition and hormones. This careful selection came from the desire to create an all-round health solution that complements you and your unique microbiome.
Further, we ensure that the full dosage of live and active bacteria is delivered at or above label claim throughout the entire shelf life, with the addition of advanced encapsulation technology that allows for unparalleled delivery to your gut.

Epetōme's synbiotic duo cap. includes state-of-the-art encapsulation; developed with an outer shell and inner core, to ensure targeted delivery of ingredients within the gut, where the microbiome thrives.

The transparent outer shell is designed to break down in your stomach, releasing fructooligosaccharides (FOS) fibre, which act as food for the live bacteria. It also contains Vitamin D3, Biotin and Zinc, all of which have been included for their role in supporting a healthy gut.
Not visible to the naked eye, within the green inner capsule are 50 billion live bacteria. Protected by the outer shell as it makes its way through the stomach, this inner capsule is able to continue through the gastro-intestinal tract, breaking down in the intestines and releasing the live cultures into your gut microbiome.
SHIME® testing, or Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem, is a sophisticated in vitro technology that simulates the human gastrointestinal tract. It is used to study the impact of products like our duo cap on the microbiome. You may not have heard of SHIME® from many other supplement brands, as the rigorous process can quickly expose the flaws in bacterial delivery systems.

The lab team simulated how the duo cap behaves in real-world conditions, with results demonstrating that the capsule technology is 30x more effective than a standard capsule in ensuring the bacteria make it to the gut in an active state.

For Epetōme, utilising SHIME® testing to validate the efficacy of the duo cap underscores a commitment to scientific excellence and consumer benefit. SHIME® testing demonstrates the survivability and targeted delivery of our capsule through the harsh conditions of the stomach to reach the intestines, where these components can add to the diversity and complement the gut microbiome.
Our capsule contains 11 unique bacterial strains from 7 different species. They have each been carefully selected for the scientific and mechanistic research behind them. Amongst them, we are proud to include Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, the world's most researched strain of acidophilus especially trialled for IBS-related pain and bloating.
If you love to explore the science behind your supplements, our research library contains extensive detail on over 450 studies behind the synbiotic duo cap.'s ingredients.
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) act as the food and energy source for the live bacteria in our capsule. Housed within the liquid layer, it is released first to support the function of the live inner core.