1. you are trying to do everything at once.

The most common mistake people make is trying to change everything overnight. But looking after your gut is like going to the gym - you don't walk in and immediately lift the heaviest weights. It's really important to build up tolerance and strength with your microbiome.

Consistency and implementing daily habits are what are going to achieve results. Start with one or two adjustments, like incorporating more fibre-rich foods or drinking more water. Allow your body to adapt before adding in the next new habit.

2. you blame food and cut a lot of things out.

It's not often the food that is making your gut respond, it is how your gut is responding to the food. A lack of "good bacteria", otherwise known as dysbiosis, could be the cause of you being unable to consume certain foods you used to love.

Our gut bacteria have many roles, including breaking down certain complex carbs (e.g. fibre), synthesising vitamins, and metabolising proteins and fats. If you are experiencing dysbiosis, your gut will struggle to perform these roles.

By replenishing your gut with friendly bacteria, you may find you are able to love cheese again.

  • Maria says:

    "First time in years I was able to enjoy a glass of red and a cheese board without having to run home."

  • Ruth says:

    "I have been taking Epetōme for 2 months now and the changes in my hormones, mental health and overall wellbeing have been profound."

  • Anon says:

    "I suffer from IBS and I already feel a massive difference now I have incorporated these into my daily routine."

3. you are neglecting how you feel.

Your gut is so closely connected to your mood, emotions and your mind through something called the gut-brain axis. So if you're eating a wonderful array of whole foods, but you're chronically stressed, your gut will still be in a bad way.

Learning to manage your stress is crucial for gut health. I find getting up and out first thing in the morning works for me. I wake, hydrate, walk around London (sunglasses off to absorb as much vitamin D as possible). And then I take Epetōme 20-30 mins before a healthy gut-loving breakfast.

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frequently asked questions

is the synbiotic duo cap a probiotic?

The capsule contains live bacteria, therefore it can be considered a probiotic. It also contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which can be considered prebiotics. However, we refrain from using such terms as UK Law prevents this, seeing our products as food supplements to which no health claims can be associated.

what are the active ingredients in the capsule?

Inside each capsule you'll find everything you need for gut support:

  • 50 billion live bacterial strains (probiotics) from 11 different strains (one of the most potent and diverse products on the market).
  • FOS power, a prebiotic.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Zinc.
  • Biotin.

what are the benefits of the product?

UK law prevents us talking about the benefits of our product specifically.

However the bacterial strains and active ingredients have each been selected for research into their potential ability to help with:

  • DIGESTION - bloating, gas, IBS-D response, irregular stool habits, food sensitivities.
  • MIND - cognition, brain fog, stress, depression, anxiety.
  • IMMUNITY - coughs and colds, autoimmune disease, asthma.
  • HORMONES - sex hormone balance, diabetes, appetite regulation.
  • SKIN - eczema, psoriasis, or overall glowing skin.

how long will it take to see results?

Whilst some people have experienced improvements in a matter of days (just check out our reviews), we recommend taking one capsule a day for a minimum of 3 months. This is how long your microbiome needs to adjust to the new bacteria, as also recommended by the British Society of Gastroenterology to anyone trying a new bacterial product.